Monday Roll Call

on 10/26/08 3:53 pm - Bradenton, FL
Hi There,
I was up and thought I would check in to see what was going on.
I cant sleep as I am having major stomach issues today with nausea. I feel like I am 6 months pregnant. Not sure what is up with that. Maybe a trip to Denver is in short order to see my doc.
I am baking 6 loaves of Banana Bread today for a Cancer Bake sale that is going on at my cousins shcool she teaches at.
I am off today.
Hope everyone is having a good week getting ready for Halloween.
I envey everyone that has to deal with the cold.
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(deactivated member)
on 10/26/08 9:16 pm - IL
Morning Carla and Illinois.  I didn't sleep much either last night.  I am up playing on pogo, and enjoying a cup of coffee before I head out.

Carla, I hope you get to feeling better. 

If I feel like it after the doc appointment, I may do a little shopping, I saw some great things on sale yesterday in the ads, and I am already thinking about Christmas.  Got to buy it while it is on sale, and I need to go to the craft store so I can work on Christmas presents also.

Hope everyone has a great day, and stays warm!


Monica G.
on 10/26/08 11:16 pm - North Aurora, IL
Dee, I love Pogo...what games do you play?  lol



(deactivated member)
on 10/27/08 9:12 am - IL
I play anything and everything.  I have even played Sweet
C. Richardson
on 10/27/08 9:43 am
Dee -
How did your doc appointment go?

(deactivated member)
on 10/27/08 9:45 am - IL
Can I lie and say it went great??  I have a major infection, and they took a sample of it to see if antibiotics will work, more surgery, or have to go in for IV antibiotics, this is fun, thanks for  Sorry got to laugh or I would cry.

How is your sister?


C. Richardson
on 10/28/08 8:16 pm
Hi Dee -
Sorry to hear that you have a bad infection.  I hope the culture they took will give you some answers and send you on your way to a quick recovery.
My sister is hanging in there.  She can't even get in to see her regular doctor to get a referal until Dec  3rd.  I'm hoping and praying it's nothing but do have a sick suspicion it's not just "nothing".  She's quite a trooper. 

Thanks for asking.
crystal M.
on 10/26/08 9:44 pm - Joliet, IL
Hello everyone 

Its the dreaded Monday.  I hate Mondays.  I worked 12.5 hours on Friday.  It was month end.  So I relaxed alot this weekend.  I have no plans today except work. 

Dee-  I'm just as bad about Christmas shopping.  I'm about haf done with my Christmas shopping.  I like to get all done before Thanksgiving.  I love Christmas.  I love Christmas music.  I look forward to Lite FM every year.  They play nothing but Christmas songs.  I can't wait. 

Well everyone have a nice day.
Nancy G.
on 10/26/08 9:45 pm - La Salle, IL
Good Morning Carla and Illinois

Carla nad Dee I hope you both start feeling better soon.  Carla, tummy problems are no fun.  And Dee neither is recovering from surgery. 

It is another blustery day outside.  I went grocery shopping yesterday and thought I would freezed to death before I got it hauled back inside!  Brrrr!  This may be a day to wear my sweats to work as the building will be cold.  A pole building on a concrete slab is COLD in the winter.  Even before surgery. 

Hopefully these winds will die down today.  They were awful yesterday, but we still have power.  Makes me want to stay inside. 

Have a great Monday! 

    Cat Lady

on 10/26/08 10:36 pm - Orland Park, IL
Good morning Carla and Illinois!

Weather wise I'd like to be visiting you right now! I'm not liking this cold very much. I hope your feeling better soon....if this has been going on maybe you should go see the doctor.

No baby yet.....he wants to stay where it is warm too!  Not much going on around here. Just trying to be ready at a moments notice to get the grandkids.

Hope everyone has a great day!

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